Present Employment

January 2024
Research Assistant
Indian Institute of Science

Enhancing the agile flow in a construction scenerio. Using AI and ML to enhance the brodcasting reach of any update. At the Center for Product Design and Manufacturing, in Impact 4 Impact Labs, I have the oppurtunity to work under Dr.Vishal Singh on several projects that help enhance the experience of the user with a product or service using latest advancements in technology.

February 2024
UX Brand Strategy Developer

Discovering the branding for the app. Practicipating in daily scrums and constant feedback loops to create designs of the final app of the company.


The Golla GalaMy very first projectAward Winning Capstone ProjectMy recent Publications
Check out chapter 3
Check out some of my Rotaract DesignsMy journey into design
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It's not what you look, It's what you see that matters... My design philosophy is a synergy of simplicity and impact—crafting solutions that blend aesthetics, functionality, and inclusivity to address at least four user challenges. I seek to learn, grow and connect with people who dream big and believe they can resolve problems and build solutions to positively affect the global community one person at a time.